My Best Photography With the Hasselblad 907X 100C: Sample Images

I’ve written on CNET about why I love the Hasselblad 907X 100C and why I think it’s an incredibly inspirational camera to use. I’ve had an amazing time testing the camera all over Scotland and I’m really pleased with so many of the shots I’ve taken with it. Here then is a hefty selection of some of my favourite images.

All images have been taken in either JPEG or raw and have undergone some level of editing in Lightroom and/or Photoshop.

I’ve also taken many shots using the built-in XPan panorama function, which provides a very wide panoramic view. While I can of course apply this crop to images from any camera, I relished the challenge of capturing these images in camera and loved how it forced me to see scenes in front of me in a new way.

I’ve especially enjoyed finding compositions that make use of negative space around a subject.